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esOk da kne g HKL...
Monday 11 July 2011 @ 09:23 | 0 Comment [s]

salam... hyep2... ha aq nk gtaw jew esk aq da kne g HKL... huhuhx ! ptut nye g ary rbu tp dpktOr suh g esk lak.. sbb dew hal ckit.... hehehex ! esk cmpai jew cne trus kne wt IT (amik air tlng blkg)... pastu ary rbu wt kemo lak 24 jam.. huhux ! kowg doa kn aq spye smue nye ok taw... n mybe aq g cne kli nie x bwk lptp.. so, x leh la nk on9... mls la aq nk bwk lptp... wt ssh mak aq jew nk kne jge nyeee... bia aq bwk dri aq jew la... hahahax ! ;D tu jew aq nk gtaw at kOwg... k bubye... gud nyte smue... syggg kowg cgt2 !!! ;D

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