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p HKL 9/8/2011
Sunday 7 August 2011 @ 03:36 | 0 Comment [s]

salam.. hye smue... ha ary selasa nie, 9.8.2011 aq kne msk hptl blk tOk wt kemO yg strusnye... huhuhx ! mtk2 la wt kemO kli nie x dew pa pew yg trjd... haiihhh ! risau lak aq... tp inshaAllah x dew pa pew la kn.. ary jumaat ary tu, 5.8.2011 aq da p chck drh kt hptl Semban.. Alhamdulillah drh aq ok... hehehex ! ske aq... ;) kowg tlg la doa kn aq spye x dew pa pew yg trjd erk... cpew yg doa kn aq tu thnkz youu so much dear ! ;D hmm agk2 pew la aq nk bwk tok nurse2 aq smue tu erk... hahahax ! sbb ary tu time aq blk pn dowg smue mtk kt aq mcm2.. tp aq x taw nk bwk pew tok dowg smue,,, x pew la aq pk kn k... hehehehex ! k la erk bubye... nk off dlu sbb da dkt nk bke pose nie.. mee kari mak aq sdng menanti tu... hahahahahax ! ;D bye !

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